Trilogy is a curated library and bookshop in Bandra, Mumbai, founded in December 2014 with the desire to make good books meet their readers. We would love to have you over at our physical store and let serendipity do its magic once the COVID-19 pandemic is more manageable. Until then, we will function via email, WhatsApp, and our interactive website, with deliveries and curb-side pickups when possible.
Books signed by the authors, books about politics, the importance of grammar, books for kids, books about food, photography, architecture, leadership, and love.
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Take a look at the various tariff plans, and become a member today. A library is, according to us, the best way to feed a growing bibliophile’s appetite.
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Pop-up bookshops at themed events, return gifts, corporate orders and helping you figure out the best book for you nephew, your boss, or if you are someone’s Secret Santa.
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